Financial Transperancy

Financial Transparency

Our Raturi Foundation is a non-profit organization determined to work for the welfare of children and old age people. We want you all to know where your funds are being utilized and in what manner. We carry out transparent audits for the financial accounts and share the details of the report regarding its use. We represent to you a comprehensive report in which the areas where the funds are spent, number of children we are helping for food and providing financial help for their education and the old age people to whom we are supporting, is covered.

"You have access to all the reports and you can see them anytime you want to and check the usage of your donation."

Those who are giving donations to our foundation and providing funds, you are indirectly sprucing up many children's lives and becoming a part of the change that this foundation is making by developing educated youth for future who know how to utilize their potential and work hard for themselves. All of us together are providing a better future to these children by reviving their present and giving them hope. Also, we are trying to give a peaceful life to the old age people that they deserve.

"All our reports of finances are transparent as we are aiming that most of the people get benefitted with our foundation and we can help with all our capacity and intentions. "