Who We Are

Who we are?

Raturi Foundation was founded on 10th February 2021 with the aim of reaching to the children who are in need and require help to get adequate food to survive and education to live. We are progressing through this foundation to create a society in which people are kind to each other, have compassion for the people in need and a kind heart.

This is a non-profit organization where all the funds and donations are utilized for the welfare of children. We are trying to reach as many children as we can so that we are able to provide the basic necessities. Our foundation understands the importance of education in a person’s life and how it can transform lives. Therefore, our focus is to provide financial support to these children to give them strength to let them take the charge of their lives and lead a dignified life which will further uplift their families from poverty.

Along with the children, we are trying to give a healthy lifestyle to the old age people who are abandoned and are forced to live alone without any financial support and medical treatment. They deserve a family and companionship for a healthy mindset and to live life peacefully and financial support to survive and medical treatment for health issues. We are providing financial help to such old age people to fulfil our moral duties towards them.

children children

About us

We are committed to serve humanity and support people to move ahead from their struggling past and start dreaming. We are united to bring a change in society by eradicating poverty through educating people with financial support.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide basic necessities to the children who are struggling and are craving for a better life. Children and old age people deserve all the happiness and love so our endeavour is to provide them a life of fulfilment.

Financial Transparency

We provide transparency to the expenditure made from the funds as we want you to know where your donations are being used and how their usage is helping in providing a better life to many children and old age people.

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